FlowIllustrator user guide

The vortex template

Appearance Influences the appearance of spiralling vortices. They can be displayed as single or double spiral.
Arrow colour Allows to specify a distinct arrow color.
Arrow direction Arrows can be set to point in clockwise or counter clockwise direction, independently of the vortex style.
Arrow size The size of the displayed arrow glyphs in pixels.
Auto adjust size If this option is true, the extent and orientation of a vortex is measured at each time step. If this option is false, only the position of the vortex center is determined and the orientation and extent are kept fixed.
Center The center of the vortex template in domain coordinates.
Colour Colour used to render the vortex template.
Halo colour Colour of the halo surrounding the template. Can also be used to create a contour line-e ect.
Number of arrows Number of arrows displayed in the vortex template. Has to be >= 0.
Radius1 Radius of the underlying ellipse parallel to the X-axis.
Radius2 Radius of the underlying ellipse parallel to the Y-axis.
Revolutions Number of revolutions if drawn as spiral.
Rotation Rotation around the vortex center in degree, with respect to the X-axis.
Show trajectory If this flag is true, the trajectory of the vortex is displayed. The trajectory starts at the current time step and extends backwards in time for Trajectory length time steps.
Style Defines if a vortex template is rendered as ellipse, clock-wise spiral or counter clock-wise spiral.
Thickness Line thickness used to draw the ellipse/spirals. Valid values must be >= 0.
Threshold Threshold in &, relative to absolute vorticity value at the vortex core. The extent of the vortex is measured in gradient and co-gradient direction until the vorticity magnitude drops below the specified threshold.
Trajectory length Length in time steps of the trajectory.

Characteristic curve templates

Arrow colour Allows to specify a distinct arrow color.
Arrow size The size of the arrows in pixels.
Colour Colour used to render a characteristic curve.
Drawing style Allows to choose between regular line-style representation, and streamlet/droplet representation.
Fixed start frame Is this value is set, path line integration is started from the frame specified with Start frame, otherwise integration is started from the currently displayed frame.
Halo color Colour of the halo surrounding the template. Can also be used to create a contour line-e ect.
Integration steps The characteristic curve is integrated for at max this number of steps. Integration can be aborted, if e.g. integration reaches a domain boundary.
Line end Second point in domain coordinates of the seeding line of a time line.
Line start First point in domain coordinates of the seeding line of a time line.
Number of arrows Number of arrows displayed along a characteristic curve template. Has to be  0.
Number of samples Number of samples of a time line, that are uniformly spaced on the line speci ed by line start and line end.
Number of speed lines Number of speed lines, used to display the trajectory of a time line.
Origin Seeding point in domain coordinates from where the integration of a characteristic curve is started.
Render as particles Allows to render a streak line's individual particles.
Show arrows Determines if the arrows along a characteristic curve are displayed.
Show trajectory If true, the trajectory of a time line is displayed.
Smoothness Kernel half-size of the box lter used to smooth a characteristic curve.
Start frame Positive frame number from which the integration of a path, streak or time line is started.
Step length Step length multiplier for the RK4 integrator. Each particle of a time line is integrated about 1/steplength steplengh times for the transition between two consecutive time steps.
Step size Step size multiplier for the RK4 integrator.
Thickness Line thickness used to draw a characteristic curve. Accepted values must be >= 0.

Geometric primitives

Center The center of a geometric primitive.
Colour Colour of a primitive template.
End point End point of a B-Spline curve in domain coordinates.
Height The height of a geometric primitive in domain space.
Length The length of a ow arrow in domain coordinates.
Number of control points Number of control points for B-Splines curves.
Start point Start point of a B-Spline curve or flow arrow in domain coordinates.
Style The drawing style of a primitive template. This can be e.g. solid, outline, or hatched.
Width The width of a geometric primitive.

The speed line template

Colour Main colour of the speed line. Can be different from the colour of its parent object.
Halo colour Halo colour of the speed line.Can be different from the colour of its parent object.
Transparency mode Can be one of the following values: Constant, Increasing, decreasing. In case of increasing or decreasing, the increase/decrease of the transparency is started from the first vertex near the parent object and proceeds throughout the entire speed line.
Thickness mode Can be one of the following values: Constant, Increasing, decreasing. In case of increasing or decreasing, the growing/shrinking process is started from the first vertex near the parent object and proceeds throughout the entire speed line.
Max thickness The maximum thickness of the speed line. If the thickness mode is set to constant, this thickness is used as default thickness for the speed line.
Max transparency The maximum transparency value of the speed line. If the transparency mode is set to constant, this value is used as default transparency value for the speed line.
Min thickness The minimal thickness of a speed line. Only used, if thickness mode is set to increasing or decreasing.
Min transparency The minimal transparency value of a speed line. Only used, if transparency mode is set to increasing or decreasing.
Number of time steps Number of time steps used to integrate the speed line backwards in time.
Show trajectory The trajectory of a moving object is only shown, if this flag is set to true.
Currently, the speed line template is implemented for vortices and time lines. If transparency mode or thickness mode is set to either increasing or decreasing, the values specified as maximum and minimun thickness and transparency, respectively, are used as starting and end values for a speed line. The thickness and transparency along the speed line are linearly interpolated to ensure a smooth representation.